
Sandugo a.k.a Blood Compact Shrine, Bohol Philippines

Nature has it's own way of teaching us lessons everyday. We may often take things for granted as we move about our present day, so I guess the recent tragedy that hit Bohol last month on October 15, 2013 was a major reminder that we should protect our National Treasures to keep them intact for generations to come. Just like how the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy have been stabilized and reinforced to prevent it from further fall down, to withstand time and possible unwanted natural calamities. 

I've not even started to publish any of the many places I've visited in my favorite Island during my blissful visit last February this same year, 2013. This is one of those times when I am ever so grateful that I have witnessed such beauty before mother nature took away some of my country's best kept heritage sites. :(
Join me as I rekindle one of the best experiences of my life in an Island I've known my whole life that ranks as one of the most important islands in the Philippines, one of the most historic, breathtaking, absolutely beautiful and hosts several certified UNESCO World Heritage sites.

I'll start off my Bohol series with my first touchdown in Tagbilaran Airport, Bohol. We were a day delay this tour so I prepared myself for a hopping day. Here we go! :)

It was a great morning, the sun rose gloriously. Warmly welcoming a wonderful day ahead. My heart was pumping the whole time because finally, I set foot on my fantasy Island! It's like being in Disneyland for a kid.

We booked a tour hosted by the hotel we stayed in for two days. Already informed of our misfortune regarding our flight details, they perfectly squeezed everything in another jam-packed day of my life. 

Off to our first destination, I had a fantastic view of Panglao Island. I've not experienced it 'cause of the delay of flight but I promise to visit this probably when all the damages have been restored so I can once again feel at least half of the thrill it gave me the first time.

First stop, Sandugo, famously known as the Blood Compact Shrine, located in Tagbilaran City. Every elementary student in the Philippines have a photo of it in their History books. I believe I was a fan of history back then, only, I could only take them in as facts of my country's past, but not fully understood why they had to be that important for me to memorize who these people where or and when it all happened.

Just how special the "blood compact" at the time? Well, it was a tribal tradition of Datu/Rajah Sikatuna's (Chieftain of Bohol) tribe's seal of friendship. The Datu and Spanish explorer Migues Lopez de Legazpi shared this "one blood" ritual on March 16, 1565 on this very site to honor each other's groups and what they stood for. It was also the first ever treaty of friendship between the Filipinos and Spaniards.
TQT Trivia:
The artist behind the life-size Blood Compact sculptures of Rajah Sikatuna and Miguel Lopez de Legazpi was masterfully and skilfully created by none other than a Boholano sculptor and National Artist for Sculpture, Napoleon Abueva. I've seen a few other sculptures made by Mr. Abueva, one is the Transfiguration at the Eternal Gardens & some remarkable works at the Bataan Memorial Cross.

As we all know, Bronze isn't simply carved off, it usually is casted from a mold. It takes a highly skilled expert to pull-off a life-size work of art. Bronze was also a fitting choice of material for the sculptures since it can resist corrosion brought about by the salt water via humidity by the sea and rainfall.

Behind us, a scenic view of Bohol Sea and Panglao Island. It's almost perfect as a post card sans the concrete barrier. Such color and vibrance this place shared with us that day. Can you guess the next destination? :)

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