
Digisit Beach, Baler

The cool Digisit Beach of Baler! Day two of our Baler trip, 2014. An exciting morning for ze vacacionistas.
You can access some parts of the beach for free. I'm amazed by how little development hit Baler's beaches, I'm loving it! I support untouched nature resorts.
Others require P20/head entrance and a few more tens for the parking. We haggled a bit and paid P200 total for all of us and the van :)
And so, we take our own photos..
Had a struggle capturing this photo. My cam went low bat from wi-fi connection, so I had to get my survival kit. Set-up the tripod, sweat dripping, even stared at ridiculously. Still cool, I like a real sun-kissed shot :p
Finale, haha! Baler #ilike!
Thanks again for reading :)

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