
Barcelona Church and the Ruins of Presidencia Building, Sorsogon

Barcelona Church. As the Spaniards found its panoramic view of the coastal area similar to their hometown, they named the place Barcelona as in Barcelona in Catalonia, Spain. It took us about 10-15 minutes travel time from Gubat beach to Barcelona Church.

Facing the Pacific Ocean and Gubat bay is The Ruins of Presidencia Building. It served as a fortress against pirates and was the seat of the Spanish Government headed by a Governadorcillo. It also had a tunnel leading to the Church across the street but was closed to prevent thieves from stealing precious altar pieces. 

During the Japanese invasion, it temporarily came to use as a garrison then back to seating the Spanish Government as liberation surfaced.

By the bay, we enjoyed viewing the Pacific Ocean for a while. All the traveling before this and more traveling after.

How to get to Barcelona Church and Ruins:
From Gubat town, take a jeepney ride going to Barcelona or Bulusan can hire a tricycle and travel for about 20 mins like we did.

Thanks again for reading. More travel posts to come :)

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